When Trials Come, Hold onto Your Faith
Dear Sisters, In times of trial, it’s essential to hold fast to our faith and
Dear Sisters, In times of trial, it’s essential to hold fast to our faith and
Ikhwaan fillah, we have been blessed. We have been given the huge opportunity to witness
Oh Allah, You have granted us the opportunity to witness yet another year of Ramadhaan,
This is someone who makes solid clarification before venturing into anything – before laying his
Do never lose hope in Allaah. He ‘Azza wa Jal has not forsaken you. Your
Know that your child will be at the door of paradise opening it for you,
Imagine sending Sumayyah to get you a cup of water, while she comes back with
While in sujud, as Muslims, we pray and glorify our Lord (Allah); we sincerely
We are in the second ten days of Ramadhaan already. And this period
Being grateful is a blessing many do not take seriously. Yes, we are grateful for