What about Men?

The truth is the saying that, what you give out, is what you get back.  Oh, my dear sister, l wants you to pause for a second and ask yourself, how are you treating your husband? Yes, you may want to ask me the same question, and my husband can tell you the good and the bad sides of me. But I have always tried my best to treat my husband well.

It is saddening that many of our sisters had taken to Feminism, and their husbands are being treated like a piece of shit. It is understandable if a man has money and not doing, but a man who strives to make ends meet should not be termed stupid. Yes, every man should be the sole provider for his family. But, do you appreciate the little he provides? Ain’t you comparing him to your fellow Feminist husband’s friends? And when you spilled the truth, they ask, what about men?

Dear, treat your husband with love and mercy. Appreciate the man in your life. Appreciate the fact that through him you are proud to be called the mother of Sumayyah. He may not be giving as you want. He may be poor like a rat, but your Jannah still lies underneath his feet. If your husband is pleased with you, you should be thankful to Allah.

How many of us have taken to exposing our husbands? How many of us are not appreciative of all the good that is done to us? We are quick to tongue-lash our husbands and we hate them with passion without being remorseful. It may be that you hate what Allah loves and little do you know.

This life will end one day. But your action and inactions will stay with you forever. If you are not pleased with your husband for some reason, take it easy on him and continue to pray for him.  Which woman will tell her husband “You are stupid” because he couldn’t provide everything you want without seeking to see the wrath of Allah?

To those women who are sick and tired of the marriage because the husband isn’t bringing enough, and still able to maintain their patience, May Allah reward you.  May Allah raise our husband’s rank and make them responsible and accountable.  Dear, let’s continue to pray to Allah for our husbands same as the women companions did. They were not given rich husbands, but they were contented.  May Allah ease the affairs of our homes.


Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs