Regardless of the child’s gender, raising a better child comes with sacrificing your sleep, your time, and paying attention to details. Sometimes, l do ask how my mother did it, how my precious mother was able to raise all of us by herself. Subhanallaah!!

Indeed, l have since agreed that mothers are priceless. Yes, good mothers deserved to be celebrated every single day. it’s important to take after them so that one doesn’t regret it. I have seen ‘sheghe’ when it comes to raising children. It’s not an easy task. But, it’s a job that will fetch you goodness in this life, and when you meet your lord (Allah).

Mothers, raise your daughters well. And do not leave your son out of the picture. This is the time to sacrifice your sleep and give total care and attention to these youngsters. By Allah, they need to be monitored and nurtured well. My mother will say, relax, allow them to do the cooking. No matter the turnout.

Allow your children to clean their bedrooms and scrub the bathrooms. Not the house help. Allow them to take showers early in the morning and brush their teeth pretty well before eating.

Let them do their laundry and hang their clothes appropriately. Please, do not be tired of nurturing them. A child will grow up in the manner in which she is raised.

I hate to see a child sit in an environment where the floor is nasty, dirty, and untidy. I can’t stand it. My kids know that. I don’t want to raise a child someone will ask, who is your mother? So, it comes with a very huge sacrifice and prayers. May Allah assist us to raise good children. May they all be successful.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs