She Became Unconscious During Tawaf!

We were three companions seeking the face of our lord when we stumbled upon a lady who appeared stressed, restless, and suddenly became unconscious. This is evidenced by her falling right in front of us on the ground. I recall she was yelling and crying out loud before she lay bare flat on the floor, right in between Tawaf where thousands are circumambulating. I am not sure what went wrong. I am yet to fully understand it. I was thinking it may be the heat or shortness of breath from hypoxemia which affects the brain. Perhaps she wanted to touch the K’aaba or have just experienced touching it. Most people die within 10 minutes of total oxygen deprivation. She was diaphoretic (sweating profusely) due to the heat. I immediately loosed her gown to prevent airway constriction.

It was Shaykh Akim Kutubi that first saw her and we immediately rushed to assist her. I checked to make sure she had a pause through the carotid artery whilst Al-Imam was yelling out for help. He was speaking out loud in Arabic so that we could get more help to carry her beautiful soul away from being stepped over. I am not sure they heard us. Or simply say, no one wants to stop their tawaf.

l told my son, carry her, don’t be tired. Three of us were struggling whilst we continued to carry this lady to an open place for fresh air and safety. I continued to check that she still had a pause. After some minutes, the police joined us helping to clear the road and open the closed barriers. One or two other men said we understood her language and they offered to assist us.

At this time, we were at a safe place and people were pouring water on her. I was worried about the water they were pouring into her mouth. It may go to the wrong place(the lungs). So, we had her sit down on a chair whilst she became conscious and able to answer our calls. Shayk Kutubi and I said, we have been hearing this happen to people but never experienced it until that day.

I was happy we were able to ‘save a soul.’ May Allah accept it. I didn’t write to show you our deeds in Ka’aba. This is just me sharing my experience with you. The passion for helping others in my two companions amazed me. They were bold, strong, and determined. They never left her until she regained consciousness. May Allah grant them Jannah through it. May He not deprive us of the reward therein.



  1. Women are not like men when it comes to Tawaf.
  2. Always be there to render help to others. Put others before yourself.
  3. Go for Umrah/Hajj if you have the means before you become weak.
  4. You will not die except by Allah’s leave and upon your predestined time and land.
  5. Have it in mind that death may come to you even during Tawaf. So, ask Allah for forgiveness and Jannah during your Tawaf and not just about the matters of Dunya.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

April 27th, 2023




Youth empowerment programs