[6:47 am, 14/06/2023] SYO BYTES: In our in house discussion this morning, Shayk read in the hadith book of Sahih Al- Bukhari: Ash-Shighar. (Exchange of daughters or sisters in marriage without paying Mahr). Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) forbade Ash-Shighar, which means that somebody marries his daughter to somebody else, and the latter marries his daughter to the former without paying Mahr.

So, I directed my question to the girls: What is Mahr (Bride Price)?. I got a good response and l added, women are honored creatures of Allah. And you see, this is why Allah warned against Zinna and having a boyfriend of any kind. A Muslim child doesn’t sell her private part to boys. She doesn’t allow any man to either touch her, shake her hands or have intimacy with her until they are pronounced husband and wife. So, we must take caution and stick with the Sunnah. I also said a woman can request anything she wants from her to be husband as long as He can afford it.

Sadly, some women have not been given their Mahr after 5 years of marriage. We need to fear Allah in this regard and do better. If the prophet could frown upon this, what of Allah Azza Wa Jall. Pay your wife her Mahr if you haven’t. May Allah bless you.

Umm Sumayyah Mai.
February 4th, 2022
[6:48 am, 14/06/2023] SYO BYTES: BE KIND TO PEOPLE!

Regardless of who the person is, always show kindness towards others. It beautifies you as a person and brings light to your face and heart.

I entered the store yesterday after a long drive to Washington DC with two of my girls. Upon entering, l think we have picked one or two items and we were going to the other side for the rest of the things we needed only for us to see a man whose items were dropping and scattering on the floor from the shopping cart. I immediately informed Sumayyah to go get the items from the back while l helped picked up from the front. My other daughter who was pushing the cart behind us immediately stopped the cart and joined in the process.

We were surprised when the man said ‘Tasleem’ to us and he further said Jazakhumllahu Khyran. More shocking was when he asked ‘Sumayyah’, do you go to Al-Huda School? My son does too. Perhaps, this is due to the uniform she had on. I was wowed, to say the least. So, this man is a Muslim, and also a parent in my children’s school as well. What a life! What an act of kindness! What a good act toward others!

Yes, we didn’t know he was a Muslim, and neither do we know his son attended the same school as my children. Indeed, all actions are by intention. And you will be rewarded for things you do solely for Allah. You do not have to know people’s status, religion, or personality before helping them. So, it was a ‘Muslim helping a Muslim’ thing for us yesterday. And we were proud of ourselves. We were happy to render help regardless. We got home and narrated the story to the remaining children and l told my kids, always be there to help others. It pays in both worlds.

Umm Sumayyah Mai
[6:49 am, 14/06/2023] SYO BYTES: LOSING YOUR FAITH

Many things can make people lose faith without knowing it.

If you are the type that only calls on Allah during difficulty, you may likely forget to exercise patience when the trial strikes you.

If you are the one who loves Dunyah more than Deen, you may likely start to lose your faith when you are put to the test.

If you are the one who is always ungrateful, and not contented, you may lose your faith when the fortunes are taken away from you.

If you are the one who never thanks Allah for peace and harmony in your marriage, you may tend to lose your faith when marital conflict surfaces.

If you are the one who loves people more than Allah and His prophet, you may lose your faith when something happens to them.

If you are the type who put people before Allah, Yes, you may lose your faith when they turn their back on you.

So, be grateful at all times.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs