Oh Women, Be Grateful!

One thing l hate to do is to be ungrateful. I appreciate people and especially my husband. I saw a post of a woman whose husband gives 4k daily but still laments. Well, l do not know her situation, and it may not be enough for her and perhaps her kids. But it’s important to appreciate the little your husband gives. It may not be enough but try to show gratitude and pray for him. Such a man will love you and strive hard to always make you happy and eventually increase the money.

Things are very hard and costly, but, it’s always important to appreciate the little you are given and find your way around getting more. I will take what you give first and appreciate you, even if it isn’t enough. I will even call your children to say thank you, Dad. Life is hard. It’s not easy everywhere. May Allah ease the affairs of our homes!

Youth empowerment programs