Hey, My Beautiful Fams!!

Congratulations to us!!

H2H & TASM have just reached another level.

AlhamduliLaah! Our books ‘Heart-to-Heart with My Sister’ & Towards A Successful Marriage‘ have just been published by Darussalam Publisher, the World’s Leading Islamic Publishing House. You can now buy the books in their bookstores across their branches.


Live video from Regent’s Park mosque UK Darusalam Publisher.

It is available now at Darussalam Regent’s Park mosque UNITED KINGDOM, and will also be distributed to Darusallam bookstores in AUSTRALIA, UNITED STATES (NEW YORK) DUBAI, MALAYSIA, and all other Darusallam bookstores. Click here to order on Darusalam Official Website

I am equally elated to inform you that, TASM has a new and mouthwatering look with premium color print! The new print of TASM is also available on Amazon. Buy it here now.

My book in Darusalam Bookstore at London Branch
Another picture of my book in Darusalam Bookstore at London Branch
A sample picture from one of chapters in “Towards a Successful Marriage” written by Umm Summayyah Mai
A sample picture from one of chapters in “Heart-to-Heart with My Sister” written by Umm Summayyah Mai

Fam, I am proud of our achievements!! I am grateful to Allah, then all of you, my supporters. Thank you all for working this journey with me. Thank you for your love and support. I will forever be grateful.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs