Most Women Are Forbearing

It takes a lot of patience and endurance for any marriage to survive the trials and challenges of life. Yes, there are times you question your existence in the marriage. As in, why me? Why do l have to be the one to do this? It is during that vulnerable time that Shaitan finds his way to your heart – wanting you to call it a day. He probably whispers to your ears that there are better men out there. Sadly, all that glitters is not gold. Your husband may be better than them little do you know.  

Most women are forbearing, but not with a man who does not respect, value, or appreciate them. Men are supposed to be the leaders of their households. And it’s understandable if a man becomes financially incapacitated. What is reasonable to ask is how are you to your household before now.

In all, prayer is always needed. But, do not just rely on that. Allah truly wants you to put in a great effort. So do your family. It’s important to keep your leadership role no matter how little.

Women should learn to cut their clothes accordingly. Be a woman who cries to Allah and do not compare your marriage with that of your friends. Try to always keep your home. Do not be quick to seek for divorce. No marriage is free from trials. May Allah ease the affairs of our homes.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

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