A Letter to Mothers

Dear Mothers,

The first time my first daughter made Jolof rice was on Eid day.  I was far away in Saudi Arabia answering the call of The Lord of the Majestic throne (Allah). And the second time was far better and splendid. I still cook for them, but they cook and know how to cook. You can’t be Majeedah’s daughter and be useless. No! I have promised to raise a better generation of children. This isn’t bragging – It’s a must. This is because l know l will be accountable for the trust that is put in my care.

I am pleading with all mothers to raise their sons and daughters pretty well. I do not want my son to marry a lazy, dirty, unorganized woman. This is why l haven’t left him alone to be dirty as well. I have always taught him what is cleanliness, leadership, and accountability. I have taught him how to clean, and make food for his siblings. I am still working on him. I wouldn’t stop. I told him a day would come when your wife would be at the hospital and you have to be home to cook for your children before the arrival of your new baby.

My definition of a productive Muslim isn’t just about being a Hafiz of the Q’uran. It also engulfs so many things including your character, mannerisms, cleanliness, and being responsible and accountable. Do not be tired of raising better children even if it has to come to sacrificing your sleep.  I am still working on my children and may Allah assist us in nurturing them well.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs