I’m not one that likes to write about marriage and all that relationship advice on here because as it is, I’m still learning each day. So, this is not marital advice just something that touched me and I’ve wanted to share ever since.

So, some weeks back The Mister and I needed to pray Jumuah in an unfamiliar environment and my darling Umm Sumayyah Mai (aka Mummy I love you šŸ˜˜) was kind enough to send us an address. Our only option was to Uber it and MaashaaAllah, the khutbah was awesome. The Imam emphasized on the role of women and how the menfolk should care for their women and not be irresponsible.

The highlight of that day was the trip back. The Mister was saying Salams to the brothers who had noticed we were new around when our Uber arrived. It was this sleek, black Mercedes that I won’t forget in a while and our driver was a woman. Annette. I hopped in beside Annette like I always do with female drivers and we couldn’t help but compliment her on the car. Yes, it was that fine! Then she thanked us and said her husband got it for her that she had told him before that she wants the car when she’s 50 and he really did get it for her. Wowzer! Meanwhile, Annette looked 35ish. Like an Ad for ‘Black don’t crack’. Then Annette asked if we were married. Of course, we are. That was when she made me cry.

She said, “Treasure each other forever. I lost my husband earlier this year. We always act like we’ll be here forever but we may just leave at anytime. He had a massive heart attack and didn’t return home. He was only 49. God’s got me.”

I just kept saying sorry while fighting back my tears. She had his funeral program with his picture right there in the car and showed it to us. I couldn’t look at it. My eyes still fill up with tears whenever I remember.

I may never meet Annette again in my life but I won’t forget her in a long time. She reminded me that sometimes we just dwell on things that do not really matter and won’t mean a thing in a couple of hours or days when we should really be enjoying the moment because we don’t know what will happen next. I’ve learned from her that every moment we share is priceless and can’t be replaced.

If you have a good partner, appreciate them, be happy, don’t complain about meaningless things all the time. When either of you is gone, it’s memories you’ll have to hold on to and not ill feelings. What kind of memories are you making? Treasure every moment…

Thank you.

Maryam Abiodun Omolade

Youth empowerment programs