Again, if Allah has blessed you with righteous children and spouses who refrain from posting nonsense on social media, consider it a rare blessing. The social media world grows crazier by the day, especially with some women exhibiting tons of craziness.
As a Muslim woman who strives to live and die modestly for the sake of her Lord, protecting her honor and dignity, I find many actions taken by women saddening. Although most of these women may not be religiously inclined, it still baffles me. I feel shy for them, and I think, maybe they should take everyone’s phone away, although that’s impossible.
The world is getting worse, and many are unaware of what lies beyond death and the grave. I can only continue to caution myself and my daughters and share a message here. Our Muslim brethren must avoid imitating these crazy acts, especially our youngsters. As the Hadith suggests, beware of entering “lizard holes.” Be cautious of what you imitate on social media. This life is only temporary enjoyment. May Allah grant us steadfastness.
Umm Sumayyah Mai