Memory Bank for the Kids

The last place l drove to with the kids was North Carolina. Today, June 29th, l was supposed to have been on the road driving to New York. But, l told them to allow me to sleep this morning. Let me be the one that wakes up myself. I was at work yesterday.  

It’s going to be a month of summer holiday for them and each summer we plan to go somewhere, book a hotel, have fun and return after 3 or 4 days. I have loved doing it with the kids. I always look forward to it each summer.

It’s important to create a memory bank for the kids, aside from the Deen if you have the means. Let them remember days like that when they grow up. I heard my kids talking about each state we had driven to for holidays and l always felt special about it. I am happy they were given every fun they deserved. However, l do not want to do more than 9 hrs drive. That’s kinda enough for me

Look, you do not have to go to New York or whatever, you can create a time for your kids as well. Take them out to an ice cream shop, let them go to a halal restaurant, and have halal fun. May Allah enrich us all. Let me see if my New York trip will work out today or not. May Allah ease all of our affairs.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs