Fans, I See You!

 have heard and seen brothers who are struggling to put a smile on the faces of their wives and children. They are working hard to get them Eid dresses and also purchase what to slaughter on the big day. Alas, many ain’t buoyant and may not meet up before Eid. 

I see you, bro! Allah sees your struggle. He knows how much you care about your family and He hasn’t forsaken you. May Allah enrich you.

I see my beautiful sisters who are taking a deep breath. Yes, they want to be happy like other women. But things ain’t going well as wished.

Be patient, sister. Be patient with your husband my dear, sister. Allah will enrich him. Allah will uplift him sooner than you expected. It isn’t his fault. Appreciate him for the little he is doing. May Allah reward your patience with Jannah. May He ease the affairs of our home.

Umm Sumayyah Mai

Youth empowerment programs